(daily prompt from Blogfodder)
My keyring is so heavy that it once broke the ignition switch on my old car. My coats all have holes in the pockets from those jagged key edges. I carry a big purse just to tote my keys. But, I am responsible. For what?
Two for the front door (must have those deadbolts you know), at least I'm not homeless
One for the pool, I might swim someday
One for the home mail box, which remains empty of anything but junk mail
One for the P O box, because I might not live in the same place forever
Two for the door at work, I really do work
One for the work P O box, could keep this in my desk
Two for my sons back door, cause I might have to feed the cats
One for my sisters door, cause I might have to feed the cat
One for my uncles door, cause sometimes he doesn't answer his phone
One for my husbands car, cause once in a while my car needs gas so I take his
One for my luggage, that I use about once a year
One for the fireproof box, you know the kind that if you drop the box on the floor it breaks open anyway
One for the jewelry box, this is really ridiculous, there's nothing worth locking up in there
One for the locker at the gym, that I don't go to anymore
One for the church, where I used to secretary a meeting
One for the roll top desk, that I never lock cause there's nothing in there worth locking up
One for the 357 case, in case that giant termite shows up again
One for the lock on the 357, so I'd have to think twice about it
And then I have the part that detaches from the key ring and saves my ignition switch - the part that holds that extra large car key with the bulky doohickey that opens the doors
And then there is the junk drawer full of discarded responsibilities...
But what about the other stuff that resides on the key ring? Stuff that I must have with me at all times to carry out the unexpected responsibilities. Finger nail clippers, small flashlight, swiss army knife, coin purse, lipstick holder, magnifying glass, good luck charms, the ring I need to drop off at the jewelers, the Weight Watcher star and gold key charms, the rabbits foot, tape measure, thermometer, gps, whistle...
12 Submission Deadlines Fast Approaching
6 days ago
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