"There are no little events in life, those we think of no consequence may be full of fate, and it is at our own risk if we neglect the acquaintances and opportunities that seem to be casually offered, and of small importance."
- Amelia E. Barr, Author
Questions to Ponder
Have I reviewed the events of yesterday, searching for opportunities?
If so, what am I going to do about those opportunities?
Yesterdays events:
1 Morning newspaper, obituaries - one of my prior tax clients died
2 Worked 8 hours, usual phone calls, paper shuffling, number crunching
3 Went to post office - all ads
4 Ate all meals at home (3rd day in a row, almost a record)
5 Visited uncle at hospital - he's been there for 2 weeks now
6 Checked my email - same old stuff
7 Caught up on Bottom Line from April through June
8 Did all my PT exercises, getting easier
9 Got phone call from Ortho doc re MRI denial, again
10 Went to bed early - 9:30
Any opportunities in all this?
1 Call person who took over my tax practice and let her know
2 Earned my paycheck
3 Held door open for lady with lots of packages - good deed for day
4 Eating at home saves $$ and is good for diet
5 Cheered up uncle
6 Responded to new RHS member
7 Found article about sale of house that will help sister in law
8 This will cure my back, right?
9 Another chance to express my complaints
10 Got 8 hours sleep - should do this every night
These are all little events, daily little events. While perhaps not of consequence in one day, repeated daily they will influence fate.