Today's quote from Powerquotes
"The indispensable first step to getting the things
you want out of life is this; decide what you want."
- Ben Stein, Actor and Author
Questions to Ponder
What do I want? How clear and specific is it in my mind?
Gee, this depends what day it is. Or perhaps what time it is. Or what month. Sometimes I don't know what I want. Sometimes it seems I have everything. Other times I have nothing. But when I do want something, I want what I want when I want it and I want it now.
Today I want:
The sun to come out from behind those clouds
Good health for me and those I love, no make that everybody
Today's wants are mostly internal wants. Sure I could say I want a new car, a big house, designer clothes, a better computer, a better career. But I don't need those things. I've had most of those things and they don't make life any better believe me. Those are all the "look goods," the guise of our existence. I've worked at trimming the excess, simplifying. It gives me the freedom to look at my true needs, not the wants.
That's it for today. Tomorrow I may be back into material want lists and retail therapy!
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6 days ago
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