Previous 9/11: 9/11/1997 I hiked to the top of Mt. Whitney. I can't help but remember the date as an anniversary of that feat.
9/11/2001: (At the time I was separated from my husband and living with a friend) I was eating breakfast when my roommate called me into her bedroom, "a plane just flew into the WTC." I shrugged my shoulders and returned to the breakfast table. A while later my roommate called me back into her room. Now the second plane hit. We huddled on her bed, watching the collapse, in complete disbelief. I went to work late, returned home early, all the while glued to some sort of media.
Last year: Our city had a candlelight memorial in the local town square. I attended and felt a good sense of community coming together.
This year: I notice that our city has not been list as having any kind of memorial this year. That's a shame. I have been reading many other blogs. Seems most have some mention of Sept 11th memories so I figured I must acknowledge here. I will not be among those who stayed glued to the media rehashing all those old tapes. I will observe the day with thoughts for those who directly suffered. Perhaps I'll light my own candle tonite.
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6 days ago
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