Just so I would stop ranting about health care and HMOs I looked around other weblogs for ideas to write about. I found a couple of resources: The Friday Five with this exercise.
Answer the following five questions in your own weblog. Make sure you leave a comment here with a link to your post or just leave your answers in this post's comments section.
1. What is one thing you don't like about your body?
The roll of fat on my lower abdomen that doesn't go away no matter how much weight I lose or what exercises I do.
2. What are two things you love about your body?
My light blue eyes
I can't find a second thing to "love"
3. What are three things you want to change about your home?
The carpet (but I'm living in an apartment)
Add a couple of plants
Find the perfect piece of art to hang above my sofa
4. What are four books you want to read this year?
A good start would be four books I bought last year that I haven't read Yet:
I Know This Much is True - Wally Lamb
Hard Laughter - Anne Lamott
Poisonwood Bible - Barbara Kingsolver
The Unicorn - Iris Murdoch
5. What are five promises you have kept to yourself?
Not to be so sarcastic
To give up coffee
Be nicer to my husband
Work harder at work
Join a writing group
The I found this one Friday Group Therapy 2.04
1. How do you feel about your weight?
I am not overweight but I worry when I gain a couple of pounds
2. Have you ever been on a diet?
Weight Watchers - I lost 30 pounds 2 years ago and have gained back 10
3. What are your typical eating habits?
I try to eat healthy but lately have been making some poor selections. It was partially due to the overload of Christmas goodies. Last night I went to Trader Joes to stock up on healthy snacks.
4. What is your favorite food?
Chocolate - isn't everybodies?
5. What is your least favorite food?
Coconut - I can't stand it in anything, not even a slight hint of flavoring
6. What is your favorite dessert?
Chocolate, in any form
7. What is your favorite restaurant & your favorite fast food place? Why?
Fast food I try to stay away from but when necessary I usually go for Baja Fresh just because there is one near me and has some healthy choices.
I don't have a favorite restaurant - being in the Bay Area there is an unlimited supply.
Extra Credit: Try to eat better this week. Tell us how it goes. If you already eat reasonably well. Indulge yourself in a guilty pleasure. Tell us how it goes.
Having gone back to a weight watchers meeting this morning for a motivational boost I think I'll make some reasonable choices this week. I'll probably go back every Saturday for a while until I get back on track
12 Submission Deadlines Fast Approaching
6 days ago
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