Since I have no theme for the A to Z Challenge (and in fact no theme for Witt Bits either), I'll just keep plugging along with whatever word pops up during the day. Today's word happens to be BOOM only because I wanted to find the theme before noon and spotted this on the way to work.
A couple of days ago while waiting outside the courtroom for jury duty (yes you will probably see a lot of remarks made in here about that since the judge insists we will all be sitting in her courtroom until the end of the month while she picks over us one by one) I happened to notice one of the other captives was reading our local newspaper. "They should never let that BOOM rest over the main street at night you know," he began while pointing out a front page article. He went on to tell me how he works in big construction, as in hospitals and such, and they don't even need BOOMS like that. And, they would never leave them parked at night hanging over a busy thoroughfare. He told me he intended to go to the city planning meeting that evening and let the officials know. Why would we need one here in a city with ordinances that no building can be over three stories high? Anyway, the next evening I noticed the BOOM was resting over the apartments behind it rather than the street. I'm so relieved to know now that if I were to drive down that main street after work hours, I would now be safe from... what? I'm still not sure. But just in case, I'm not visiting anyone who lives in that apartment complex. And, much to Little J's frustration, we won't be visiting Micky D's across the street either while the BOOM is swinging.
12 Submission Deadlines Fast Approaching
6 days ago
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