Monday, April 21, 2003

Getting Better

Okay, allright, already. I'm out of bed. I've been slave to Baby J for a week... and his mother. Now it's "Me" time.

So it's not all bad. I did get some flowers.

I finally finished knitting my socks and am wearing them today. They are so cool. Well, really they are warm but they look cool. It was fun to see the pattern develope as I worked through the socks. Its Regia Sock Yarn knitted on size 3 dpns. I bought a couple more skeins last week so I can start another pair.

Grandpa will be home in a few minutes with Baby J so I'll be signing off now and getting back to my Grandma duties. Gosh, this sure isn't easy but at least there's lots of new gadgets out there that make things easier than when my kids were babies 28 years ago. And at least Baby J sleeps 8 hours at night already. Rusty and Minnie are tolerating Baby J since they kind of like sharing his toys.

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