Saturday, May 17, 2014

Snail Mail - Movies - Etc

It started off a dull day, nothing but boring mail at the P.O. Not even worth the gas to go there. 

But, turns out a newspaper error was our gain. Asked for tickets to Spiderman II but didn't check what was printed on the stubs. I did notice that the young man charged us for four tickets, however, and went back to get a credit. It wasn't until after we bought popcorn that I noticed that we had 12:25pm tickets. Lady at counter told us there was no 10:55am show. She assured me that we wouldn't get arrested if we wanted to sit in on Godzilla and was kind enough to supply us with 3D glasses. Two for one! Little J and friend - very happy. Grandma - all super-heroed out.

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