Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Selfie @ 64

Everybody is doing it these days. Taking "Selfies." So here it is... my selfie for the last day of 64. Tomorrow I'm officially a senior citizen according the IRS, medicare and public transportation authorities. My first AARP card is a faded 15 year old memory.

One good thing I can say about 65? Let me think about that. Discounts! Not that I haven't already taken advantage of the less restrictive old people's discounts for a while now. A lady can get away with those easily as long as she looks older than the mother of the teeny bopper on the other side of the cash register. It's just that no longer will I need to sheepishly ask every time I go to the movies, out to dinner or senior shopping days if I'm considered old by their standards. I'm a card carrying senior citizen at last. I can dye my hair blond. Streaks of gray no longer necessary to deliver the message.

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