Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Bonk Bonk Nudge Nudge

Bonk... huh? I open one eye and look at the clock...5:30am... bonk bonk...nudge nudge. Open other eye. Little J standing next to bed with Cat in the Hat book. "Read Gramma," he says.

"Take the book to Grandpa," I slur. Close my eyes. Listen to patter of little pajama'd feet.

"Read Grampa."

Groan. "Go see Gramma."

Little feet return. Big feet follow. Both on bed now. No use pretending to be asleep. "Grandpa will read Cat in the Hat to you, JJ." Grandpa reaches for his glasses.

And so the day begins... an hour early for me... or would that be 2 hours considering daylight savings time? It's gonna be a long day.

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