Ten days and I didn't write. This sounds familiar - a statement that appeared often in my preteen 5 year diary. Some habits just never do change. I could say it will be a new years resolution and I'll write every day. Nope. Been there. Done that. I'll just leave it at, I'll write when I feel like it and only then, sporatic or not.
After checking out the favorite movies of the year I find that I did not see one of them. I wonder, who picks the favorites anyway? It seemed to be that it was pretty slim pickin this year for movies. Maid in Manhattan, Bowling for Columbine, Eight Women, My Big Fat Greek Wedding - these were on my list. Not one is a top ten.
I struck out with the best 10 books list too. Didn't read one of them. Read more books than I have for a long time and read a lot of good books including Bee Season, She's Come Undone, Blue Shoe. Maybe I'm too "Oprahish" or something.
Well the year is coming to a close. I ate dinner at the stylish hour of 6pm tonight. Came home and watched an old year 2000 episode of Touched by an Angel, knitted eight rows that baby blue afghan that must be completed by January 31st, and am ready for bed now at 9pm. I'm getting old. Very old.
Happy New Year to All.
Next year's gotta be better.
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