Saturday, July 28, 2007

Collecting Stuff

My big brother collects corkscrews. He used to collect beer advertising openers. His latest home was built to accomodate his corkscrew museum. He travels the world to attend corkscrew addict meetings. He has visited most every thrift shop from coast to coast and north to south in the U.S. He has a famous virtual corkscrew museum (famous to those who collect corkscrews anyway). He has written many books about openers and corkscrews. He DID NOT write this one... unless he has a new alias that he didn't tell his little sister about.

My little sister collects things too, a rather eclectic collection of things too numerous to list here. She has not written a book, that I know of.

I collect red hats and cats (not red cats). I have not written a book... yet.

Do you suppose something was missing from our childhood? Or, does everyone collect stuff?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I collect scissors. I never started to collect them, it just happens.

they come in handy at times.