Another one of those days. I think it always happens on Mondays.
Telemarketer # 1: Is the boss in?
Me: no, can i help you?
T1: what is your position?
Me: Office manager
T1: oh, i am so honored
Telemarketer # 2: is the owner of the business in?
me: no, can i help you?
T2: do you make the business decisions?
me: yes, what organization are you with?
T2: mumble mumble.... something that resembles successful business luncheons... mumble
me: we are not interested
T2: are you the one who makes decisions for thousands of dollars of business?
me: yes... we are not interested
t2: oh really?
me: yes... we are not interested
t2: not interested in making thousands?
me: no
t2: oh really?
me: yes
t2: is the boss in
me: no
t2: click
ooooooooooo.... did I throw away thousands of dollars of business
Telemarketer # 3: Charity... I gave them $$$
oh no.... I'm slipping
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6 days ago