I've neglected this blog again. It's the holidays. Excuses, excuses.
But what I neglected most of all was turning my computer on on December 14th to see the reminder message that I needed to post a Happy Birthday (or is it Anniversary?) message. The message should have been here, a message to Wittbits. Yes, this blog is now one year (and a few days) old.
So where have I been this year? I went back through a few entries. A year ago I started this blog just because I had heard about bloggers and decided I should be one. I had no idea what I'd put in the blog; I just wanted to be a presence in this world wide web of bloggers. It turns out that I have expressed a lot of frustrations as well as joys. Somewhere in there I mentioned that this could be a sort of dumping ground at times. I had hoped that it would be entertaining as well.
There have been some dead times. Times when I just couldn't make myself sit down and run the fingers across the keys. There will be dead times in this next year too. It seems to have come to a mixture of brief inspirations and braindumps of frustrations. Well I never promised myself or anyone else that this would be anything other than a glimpse into the life of a grandma in the second half of her life.
For those of you have stuck with me, or just recently discovered me and might hang around, Thank You.
Happy Holidays to all. I must go write my Christmas cards now.
12 Submission Deadlines Fast Approaching
6 days ago
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