I got another gift that is creating somewhat of a problem. My son gave me a Neopet. Now I find that I must log on every day or Catatastrophe will starve to death. Of course one doesn't log on just to feed the poor thing. One must play games, win points, find extra food, tools, win battles... heck I don't know... I'm new at this pet business. So here is Catatastrophe:

Also found a tin of Neopet cards under the Christmas tree. I played one game with Chris. I won. I think he let me just so I'd play again. Now I find out that I must invest in several more packets of playing cards so I can build a better deck in order to win next time. At $3.50 per pack, let's see... what else could I do with $3.50... buy coffee and a treat anywhere but Strbcks, rent 90% of a video at Blckbster, buy an ice cream with one mix-in, have a fast food lunch with no beverage, feed the cats fancy feast for a week ... buy a new pair of socks... etc etc ... Somehow I think I'll find a pack of those darn cards in my shopping cart everytime I go to Target now. Solution... don't go to Target. But then where will I get my Diet Coke for $3 a 12 pack?
I have overindulged in chocolate fudge, See's candies, Mars Cheese Castle pasteries, Christmas cookies, Maple Sugar candy, chips, dip, crackers, Wisconsin cheese, ice cream cake... just grazing my way through the big baskets of goodies that are around here. Tomorrow morning I must weigh in since I have not done so yet this month. Just hope I don't have to pay $10 - it's getting close. New Years Resolution - I will start counting my Weight Watcher points again.
Oh yeah, remember the tooth ordeal? Here I am with 3 temporary crowns and 2 new crowns. I don't get the other crowns until January 12th. I'm not supposed to eat hard things or chews. Therefore on January 12th, I'll have to work on the Carmel Corn, Nuts and Chews, and Chocolate covered cashews.
One more thing about the teeth. Under the Christmas tree there was a mint scented small pillow. It can be placed in the microwave to relief stuffed up noses and things like that. My pillow lives in the freezer because everytime I eat one of those sweet items, my teeth hurt like h*ll. Am I dumb or what?
Well the best part of Christmas was the fact that the entire family got together, well not all at the same time exactly, and no one suffered any permanent injuries that I know of. Peace. That's all I asked for. I got some.
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