Look closely near the middle of the picture. See those 2 little "lights". That's Fritz. I didn't let him out. I wasn't home. I went away and played for 4 days. But it seems there were visitors over the weekend and one of those visitors just happened to be a dog. Someone let the cat out. Called the fire department... they don't do cat rescues. Bought mackerel... Fritz can't smell that far away. Little J went to bed in tears (and it's not even his cat). I promised him Fritz would come down when he gets hungry enough. I promised him I wouldn't let Wanda out. I went out to check just now... Fritz has made his way a bit further up the tree. Somehow everyone blames grandma (that's me for those of you who don't already know) because she made a remark last week about "the beast" needing a new home. Oh yeah... the tree is right outside grandma's window... Grandma's gonna hear that CATerwauling all night long. Grandma always has to pay. Grandma is thinking - only 361 days until the four day escape to musical bliss at the 2010 Jazz Jubilee.