Saturday, April 13, 2013


LOQUACITY as in what needs to happen around here. Once again I'm tired, stumped and at a lost of anything worthwhile to say. This time I'm blaming it all on taxes.

I used to file my tax returns by February 1st. I used to get a refund. Knowing it would be different this year I procrastinated. I knew it was bad because a couple of months ago I  threw a bunch of estimated numbers into TurboTax and didn't like the outcome.  A month later I fired up TurboTax and entered some real numbers. Tax due doubled, jury duty came along, and in the busyness of it all I conveniently forgot to finish the return. Suddenly I realized Monday is April 15th. No problem, I thought thinking it was merely a matter of pushing a couple of buttons and draining the checkbook. Wrong. It seems I didn't save the last file with the real numbers so I had to start all over again. I should know better. Maybe that's why I sold my tax business a dozen years ago.

Have you finished yours?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh no - what a nightmare :(

Our tax year here in Ireland is Jan to Dec :)
