Red Hat Molls

Sunday, October 05, 2003
Somehow Old Sacramento may never be the same. On October 4th approximately 500 Red Hat Society Ladies gathered in town for a sort of mini-convention. Several of the RHS Molls participated.

First on the agenda was a Delta brunch cruise aboard the Spirit of Sacramento (there were two paddleboats but this is the one we went on). Here we are at our tables:

Next on the agenda was an afternoon pajama party in the Queen's room at the Vagabond Inn. Three of our red hatters didn't show up so we adorned their door with our handicrafter slippers. There was a lot of giggling in our room as we delved into a box of See's and crafted these slippers out of Sanitary Napkins:

Here's the queen in the flapper dress that she has been working on for months. Fortunately her cousin sent her a purple boa just the day before this event so she was able to cover up some of the mistakes:

The grand finale of the day was the Mystery Dinner aboard the Delta Queen. What better place for 150 red hatters to show up in their finest attire. Fortunately none of us was among the victims or the perpetrators. However our Queen was intereviewed as one of the suspects.

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