Red Hat Molls

Wednesday, June 04, 2003
Kerry from the SF Red Hat Babes sent the picture below and wrote this review about our picnic:

Hi Red Hatters,

Here's the review on the picnic! Annette & I drove together arriving at 10:00 am. The parking lot was still pretty empty. We were about the 3 car there. We meet 3 Red Hatters from Red Hat Divas of Vaca Valley (Vacaville). They moved to our table since another group was huge. The table next to us was selling jewelry.

Across the way was selling bad girl dolls standing in the corner decorated in our colors & ceramic heads with different hats (shelf heads) for $3.00 ea. Then a The Red Writers sold water bottle with the logo and car antenna balls. Micky came and brought food enough for an army! Laura came with hubby. We took pictures at noon. There was a group that did sing along with a guitar player.

We met up with the other San Francisco group. I Left My Hat In San Francisco. What a nice group of ladies. They were formed by a beading guild. The Queen Mom lives right by me! We'll plan something together. They did email to Welcome our chapter. But I didn't get the email. Then to notice when I got home there is another SF group call What the Hatter. Which I emailed to and never got a response.

The picnic was over with by around 2:00 pm. In the town was over 30 antique shops. As were drove thur the streets you can see Red Hatters popping in & out!

It is so much fun when there are so many Red Hatters! I had saw pictures of the Convention! Wow, I wanna go next year! It's in Texas! The first week in April. Save your money!

Queen of the RHS Molls

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