Red Hat Molls

Saturday, May 17, 2003
Plans are coming together for the Martinez Red Hat Picnic on May 31st. The RHS Molls of Lafayette and sister chapter Winsome Wonders of Walnut Creek are looking forward to gathering with other Bay Area Chapters.

We would love to have at least an approximate count from the other chapters so we know what to anticipate. Please keep us posted with your chapter numbers.

When: Saturday, May 31st, 2003
11:00am The Gathering Begins
Noon Pictures and Announcements
After That: Typical Red Hat Disorganization - Who Knows

Waterfront Park, Martinez
North Court Street via Ferry Street (Across the street from the old Amtrak Station),
Picnic Area behind the Bocce Ball Courts (as you drive in to the park the road curves to the left - you want to keep going straight to the parking lot next to the Bocce Ball Courts - watch for the "Bocce Ball" sign). We have reserved the picnic area behind the Bocce Ball Courts.

Lunch: We are asking each chapter to decide for themselves if they want to brown bag or arrange their own individual potluck. Or, there are several places within walking distance of the park to grab some food.
Beverages: Please bring your own
Dessert: We will have a dessert table and ask that each chapter bring a dessert to share, preferably a "napkinable" finger food.

What Else to Consider Bringing:
Tables & Chairs: there are quite a few picnic tables but if you happen to have something portable it might be a good idea to throw it in your trunk.
Blankets: there is plenty of lawn area for relaxing
Table Cloths: Just in case you need them
Toys: Bocce Balls, croquet sets, badminton, kickball, balloons, bubbles, knitting needles??????
Other: Sunscreen, umbrellas - who knows?

Publicize your Group:
Please bring a sign of some sort so we know who you are. We will also provide a bulletin board if you want to share some favorite pictures, announcements, etc.

The usual purple attire with red hat of course. Picnic casual or flamboyant - you decide.

You bring the toys and the playmates will come. In other words, we are not planning any specific events. This is a free-for-all make-your-own-adventure sort of gathering. We know that Red Hatters have the imagination and wherewithal to make this a great event no matter what we actually do. The park is a great place to wander around, check out the pier, feed the ducks (beware of those vicious geese), or bird watch. Downtown Martinez is a block away from the park and has an abundance of antique shops.

In order to recapture some of our expenses of procuring the park we are asking for a $1 donation from each attendee. In exchange we will provide you with a beautiful identification tag so everyone will know who you are and where you came from.

Please email if you or your chapter will be attending

Queen of the RHS Molls

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