Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Unconscious Mutterings and Stuff

  1. Milk:: Duds
  2. Itch:: mosquitos
  3. Raisin:: Bran
  4. Contempt:: Court
  5. High:: Low
  6. Take:: a break
  7. Hamburger:: fries
  8. Frilly:: Hats
  9. Tigger:: tiger
  10. Creek::Side

Getting used to these long weekends and working only four days. But gee now my Tuesdays are really Mondays and my body gets all confused. Forgot to set the alarm last night so had to rush to get to work on time.

Baby J went home this morning with his mommy. He had four shots this morning. He'll be back, sooner rather than later. This is not a good thing. I love him but it's not easy being in the middle of the mire of a dysfunctional family.

So, the sun came out for a bit today. The storm is brewing again. Seems like my family turns with the weather these days.

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