I'm having reservations about signing up for A to Z.
First, I'm not so sure how much I can fit in between jury duty, work, grandparenting and life. I'm old enough. I should know better than to sign up for yet another challenge. But, I did manage to complete the #rethinkchurch challenge. Not every entry made it into my Random Bits of Gratitude Blog but I really did finish. Most of the pictures were "tweeted" and I got too lazy (or tired) to resend them to the blog.
Second, I'm afraid this might get boring for anyone who stumbles in here. Well, it's only 100 words or so each day. Bear with me. I'll try to find some sarcasm or humor. Just enough to keep things interesting. I hope. I'll find some to to visit other challengers. Somehow.
See you tomorrow... sometime.
National Polka Dot Day and Writers
3 days ago