
Little J & Little I

Hey, it's the last day of school... the last day of preschool for this year anyway. I'm soooooooooooo happy! But, you know I really do like school so guess what? I get to go back on Tuesday. Turns out its just the end of the year for the ones who get to go to Kindergarten soon. LITTLE J So my cousin gets all the attention it seems. Look at me. I'm almost as big as he is. Soon maybe I'll get to go to school too. LITTLE I


Grandma and Grandpa took me to the beach. I fell in. It was cold and I still have sand... everywhere.

Whattention: I am 3

Wattention! I am 3. We had a party at my preschool.

Happy Halloween 2005

Trick or Treat... Here we come.


We had to get up real early to get to the airport on time. If G&G say anything about traveling with a 2 year old, remind them about this. That suitcase was heavy.

New Wheels

When we got to Anacortes there was an Oyster Run. Grandpa ate oysters. There were more motorcycles than oysters. I found this motorcycle with Ostrich trim.


We went to the Olympic Game Reserve and fed animals. The Bear waved at me.