
My Cousin

It seems that my cousin is stealing the show around here. She is pretty special and I think she's kinda cute too. Here she is with her Mommy and Daddy.


Grandma went to ride the Merry-Go-Round with her Red Hat friends. Grandpa and I snuck in.


It seems that my new cousin has taken over the spotlight. See the Thanksgiving pictures below. Grandma was holding her. I got stuck in the dog's bed.

My Own Bed

I got my own bed at Grandma's. It's a Tigger sofa that folds out into a bed just my size. Here I am trying to call Mom ad Dad to tell them all about it. I can fold it out all by myself. It's fun to jump on but I don't think I really want to sleep here even though Grandma thinks I must. We'll see about that.

Duck Feet

Grandma and Grandpa went to Anacortes. I got duck feet.

Two Left Feet

Someone around here must have two left feet. Everytime I look for my shoes I can only find the right ones. What's up with that anyway?

Sunday News

On Sundays we get up and read the newspapers. Grandma let's me use her glasses.