
My Christmas

This was my first Christmas. I got some toys from Santa. But most of all I got lots of clothes from the relatives. That is a good thing because all I had to wear on Christmas Eve were these silly red shoes. I've been trying to walk but I fall down everytime I let go of my walker. I think I'll have it mastered before the New Year; then I'll give the walker to the poor boys. Don't tell anyone but Grandpa gave me an m&m at Christmas and Daddy gave me a Candy Cane. Grandma must have found out though because she made me brush all my eight teeth. But that wasn't so bad because the toothpaste tastes like apples and bananas.

A couple of new things

I discovered potatoe chips and then I ate so many that I couldn't eat my dinner. My grandma thinks I'm big enough to help with the dishes but I don't think so.

Trains and Bears

Hey there, I got to go on an adventure with Grandma and Grandpa. First of all, they woke me up in the middle of my night and put me in this tiny room that rolled and jerked all night. I did enjoy looking out the window at all the lights. It was fun watching Grandpa try to climb up into the upper berth. I slept good and in the morning I got to check out the upper berth. We visited one of Grandma's best friends in Vancouver. I got to lounge around with the big bear. We visited FAO Schwarz in Seattle. I saw lots of big bears there. Maybe I'll get one for Christmas. I slept eleven hours during the trip home. It was quite an exhausting adventure and I got a bit of a cold but I am feeling better now. Tomorrow is my first Thanksgiving and I have my eye on a big turkey drumstick. I can handle it. Really.

Big J

My Great Grandpa was a preacher. One day he sent this brochure out to all his parishioners. Jason is my Dad.

It's not Halloween

Grandma thinks it's still Halloween. Don't you think I look like a jailbird in this gettup? Notice that I stand quite well. That's my own private basket of toys that stays at Grandmas.

BOO It's Almost Halloween

Here's the latest. We have been having this hot weather. Here it is October when I understand it should be rainy and cold. But no, it's hot. I prefer to be naked. But Grandma got this big idea that I should dress up in these clothes. It didn't make me happy. Plus Halloween is still a few days a way. I think she just wanted to make sure you all saw this.

Not Funny

My hair has grown and turned color. Grandma and Grandpa think this is funny. I am not amused.